Scarves, Lasagna and CPR

Wednesday, February 25

Listening to "Fairytale," Sara Bareilles

Two Finished Scarves:
Finished these two for my Peace Corps friend in Azerbaijan
(she promises it's still cold there):
Closer Look...

"learning to knit" type of pattern.
For both scarves:
CO: 15
RS: K4 P2 K3 P2 K4
WS: K4 K2 P3 K2 K4

Don't worry-- I'll make her take pictures wearing them :) I need to learn how to take better pictures of scarves. It's hard when they're so long...

I made her the green one using size US5 needles, and that allowed it to be a little thinner (so it had to be very long!) The brown ("coffee colored" I think...) scarf is size US8 needles with some leftover yarn I had from a really awful hat I made...

Makes pretty ridges and also helps you learn how purled and knitted stitches look different. Also teaches you to count, or at least how annoying it is to try and count :)

My first EVER homemade lasagna dish!!!!
Baked the lasagna that I prepared last week during Three-Dinner Friday:

Recipe courtesy of Paraplegic Chef-- it was fantastic! I need a deeper 9 x 13 dish, though, because I couldn't fit in all the layers I wanted. The sauce PC puts in this recipe is phenom, and I would have liked to include more of it in my lasagna, but couldn't because of the dish's depth...

Also [drum roll please...]
I am officially Red Cross certified!
I'm certified in CPR (for adult, child and infant!) so I feel much safer when feeding the 8 month old that I nanny! The class also came with a quick overview on First Aid (Did you know that people used to put butter on burns? Don't do that!)

If you ever have spare time in a weekend (my class was on Saturday, the Red Cross also does Tues/Thurs), try to do it. It's very empowering! Just don't show up late-- whoever you sit next to will be your partner when you're practicing the choking maneuvers. I was very happy to have a kind, older, married guy...

So here's my "new girl" schedule for each week:
- 16 hours as a nanny
- 6 hours as a grad student
-9 hours as a tutor
-web design in the spare time (totally rhymes!)

I am not kidding y'all, I'm brand new at this stuff, so I promise to offer up some hilarious stories from the learning curve next time :)

And I won't stop knitting or cooking, and we all know I'm new at that-- so more of those stories to come as well.

Also, I know I keep changing my blog layout around... I'm trying to make something a little easier to read, is all.

Have a GREAT Wednesday!


April on February 25, 2009 at 4:06 PM said...

Yum! That looks so good! I made a skillet lasagna the other night that turned out pretty good. It was great that it only took 45 minutes from start to finish - instead of the normal couple of hours.

Rebecca on February 25, 2009 at 5:13 PM said...

Wow, that's some serious scheduling, I'm impressed! Also, awesome looking lasagna.

Anonymous said...

I took a First Aid course a few years ago, and I totally agree that putting butter on burns is a no no! Also, it's completely gross.

The choking maneuvers were awkward... I was paired up with my future brother-in-law, and neither of us are very touchy people, and I think we managed to do the Heimlich to each other without even making contact. It's difficult. :P

That lasagna looks amazing! I know how you feel about the dish not being deep enough... no dish is deep enough for all the layers a lasagna should have. ;)

The Duo Dishes on February 26, 2009 at 1:51 PM said...

Oooh, lasagna. It's like therapy when you're having a down day. Looks like you've got a lot of interesting things that will be happening for you soon!

Kim on February 26, 2009 at 3:16 PM said...

Since you posted on my blog, I, of course, had to follow the new link I'm planning on following, but I didn't know I was going to ruin the scarf surprise!!! It will still be amazing and, yes, I'll be sure to take pictures of me wearing them. Even if it's hot, hah. I can probably take a picture of me wearing them to sleep because it's still super cold in my room! I miss you mucho!

Oh, and your cookie blog cracked me up, hardcore. Host mom looked at me like I was a crazy.

Melanie on February 27, 2009 at 11:22 AM said...

Good! I'm glad you like them. A lot of people are afraid of pie-making, so my goal is to relieve the stress! :) The chocolate is definitely a good one. If you make it, be sure to let me know! One of these days I will invest in a new digital cam (mine is broken) so I can post pictures to make it a bit easier. Happy baking!!

Susie on February 27, 2009 at 1:39 PM said...

You've been very busy! I love the scarves and the lasagna!

Becca on February 28, 2009 at 9:27 PM said...

Was your CPR class all-inclusive? I have only seen for infants OR kids OR adults.

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