John Wayne once said, "Courage is being scared to death--but saddling up anyway."
Now, I'm not planning on riding a horse anytime soon (in fact, I'm terrified of those huge things). But, I think Wayne has a great point-- and I think it's a great start.
I've never had a great blog, or any great hobbies to blog about. I've always been a dedicated student; Usually, that left me without much room for hobbies. But I'm starting to learn that

I'm going to make a really hard, from-scratch dinner. I'm going to knit a hat (that actually fits someone). I'm going to learn a new language, to travel to new countries, to love in new, big ways. And I'm going to share my adventures here.
First, I just wanted to say hello :)
Well HEY THERE! And welcome. We're new bloggers too. You'll see. Once you start, it's like riding a bike...
Hello from Hong Kong. You're profile came up Chinese over here. I'll mail a screen shot to you!
Tom loves your cookies : ).
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