Back with Bread and Article News + Pumpkin Seeds Recipes?

Monday, October 12

Currently Listening to "Maybe," Ingrid Michaelson

Happy Monday, bloggers! I really really miss being in the blog world... I feel like I'm missing out on so much. But I've been spending most of my spare time on school and that article...

more on that in a minute :)

I can't believe it's October 12th already. I swear, yesterday was September 1st...

Jeremyandgirls: THANK YOU so much for the homemade pumpkin spice latte recipe! I am so looking forward to trying that! I love fall so much...

Thank you all for the comments about the blanket! Sad to say I haven't made much progress since I had a lot of papers due last week, but I'm hoping to get some quality knitting time in this week :)

Kathy, I loved your idea about making one big blanket for both the twins! 'Cause you're right, they'll be little enough to share it for a long time! And yes, Sarah, you should start knitting!!! As if you don't have enough to do with your new little baby :)

Cooking Update:
(plus flowers from my Mom!)

There, ladies and gentlemen, is a loaf of bread that I baked. That's right. With my busy schedule, I found time to bake bread.

(Thanks again for that loaf pan, Peggy!)

How does she do it?!

Simple... Betttttttty Crocker :)

See... Mrs. Crocker has these new boxed muffin mixes out... and on the back of the box is an additional recipe for baking BREAD instead of muffins!

Simple and delicious :)

And noooo, I wasn't paid for that mini-advertisement... I just truly appreciate products that make life happy.

Other Updates...

I haven't updated in forever and I am SO SORRY! But it's for good reason...

My article is going to be published :)

They checked yes!!

It took a LOT of work, and caused me to fall a liiitttttttle behind in grad school projects, so I've been running around catching up.

But it's definitely very exciting. I keep remembering that it happened and breaking out into a random smile... lol. I know, I know, corny. But I just can't wait to see my name, my words, my research in PRINT!!

As far as catching up on everything... my plan is to catch up this week, to carve pumpkins this weekend, and to bake some pumpkin seeds too...

Anyone have any good recipes I can try?


I also promise to catch up on your blogs-- I am so sorry I haven't been around! But I've been thinking about you (and keeping up with some of you busy people on Twitter!) and can't wait to see what you've been up to lately!

For now-- have a great week!

Your celebrating-that-Panthers-win,
leaves-enjoyin, apartment-decorating,
New Girl Blogger