EVERYONE loved these cheesecake bars.
Seriously. EVERYONE.
But wait-- before I get into that-- a quick birthday shoutout.
Happy Birthday to Tom!

Tom and my Mom
Tom and my Mom
My step-dad's birthday was this weekend. We're having family game night tonight to celebrate. :)
It's such an impressive dessert to say. Just imagine:
Me: Anyone feel like dessert?
Friends: Sure, what do you have?
Me: Oh, [wave of hand], just some homemade Tiramisu Cheesecake Bars... you interested?
::cue the droooolllllling::
they're definitely all gone. lol. only took a couple days.
anyway, on to the review!
Meal: (what did I serve this with?)
Best served with a glass of milk, a digestif, or a hot cup of coffee
Recipe Difficulty: (how hard was this to cook?)
2 / 5
Recipe Quality: (how well was the recipe written?)
5 / 5
*LOVE the pictures :)
Dish Deliciousness: (did it taste great?)
5 / 5
Number of cooking mistakes: (how many times did I mess up??)
2 mistakes total (one wasn't really mine!):
- I almost forgot the vanilla
- Matt put some in a tupperware that touched the top of the bars... no good. Immediately rips the topping off and they look kind of weird. They still taste good, though :)
5 / 5
The Story:I think that how you choose to make these depends on your schedule. The cream cheese needs to be room temperature, and my Mom always told me that whenever baking, it's helpful to have most the items around the same temperature. So I also left the egg on the counter so it would be room temperature as well.
Here's another tip from My Mom:
When whipping ingredients together for a fluffy effect, it helps to use a cold, metal mixing bowl. Put your metal mixing bowl in the freezer for a little bit before mixing, and you'll be surprised by the difference it makes!So here's what I did to fit this baking adventure into my schedule...
My method:
- Bake the crust bottom at night; leave the rest of the ingredients out on the counter to reach room-temp and let the crust cool on the counter
- In the morning, make the cream cheese filling and when finished, cool in the fridge
- Come home for lunch and make the whipped topping!
- YUM by dinnertime!!!
It worked out well and really ended up not taking much time at all.
And I can't stress this enough-- they were so good.
Everyone-- thank you. Your sweet comments about my embarrassing, gross cooking mistake were really nice.
Healthy Delicious pointed out-- she uses organic chicken, and mine were probably huge in comparison. I should have realized! But hey, another lesson in cooking :)
And the recipe was still good! I'll just do better next time.
I loved the idea that Stephanie and Jenn@SlimShoppin shared-- a meat timer. Definitely investing :) Thanks again, everyone!
GLOB, you say? Yup!

I wanted to pass this one on to my blog friend Ace
I've followed Ace's blog since... probably since I started blogging... and I recently read a post of hers that I thought was so inspiring and exciting. It's all about her new outlook on working out and being healthy. Anyway, you can read it here.
and Ace, here's the GLOB award for you!
Thanks again, Krysten!

Wanted to pass that one on as well:
Krysten over at After I Do
Stephanie at Les Jou Jou
Ali at The Way I See It
Happy Blog Awards, everyone!
Your missing-the-cheesecake-bars,
loving-our-sunny-weather, been-23-for-a-month!,
New Girl Blogger
OMG! That award totally took me by surprise! Thank you so much!
And you are not a lazy blogger. I'm a little obsessive about mine and really wish I could slow down. I feel the need to have something posted every single day and by doing that feel like I'm not as quality now as I am quantity. Need to find a good balance.
Anyway, thanks again!
Ahhh cheesecake bars! Another recipe that I'm going to have to try!! :)
Cheesecake bars?! Yum! Might have to wait until my dairy free month is over :) xx
Mmmm... those tiramisu cheesecake bars look SO good! From your review of them, I just might have to make them sometime soon!
Congrats on the awards, and those cheesecake bars look fabulous!
Donna has so many awesome recipes on her site! Gotta try one.
Thanks for the award, missy! Love it.
And cannot WAIT to make these cheesecake bars. OMG, drool.
Your mom looks SO YOUNG! Wow. I thought she was just your girlfriend at first, lol.
Mmmmm...tirimisu cheesecake bars? Sign me up!
Oh my goodness that recipe sounds to die for!
Hahaha. Not going to lie, my favorite part was you telling Matt that you did, in fact, do your homework, haha. Love it.
Miss you!!!!!
SO trying this one this weekend! Thank you!
Happy Birthday Tom!!!
you are so super sweet!!Congratulations on your award!! ...and thank you so very much for passing it on to me too!! ;)
You're welcome lady and THANK YOU! Oh my gosh, your post made me HUNGRY! Mmmm. If you ever want to come over here and make me food feel free =-)
what the heck!??!?! i didn't even know there was such a thing as tiramisu cheesecake bars!!!! the name alone makes me drool!!!! *yum* one of these days i'll have to try it!
p.s. I have an award for you on my blog! :)
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